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Friday, July 27, 2012

A Favorite Returns for Foodie Friday

As you may have heard, people at our office are a little obsessed with food. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I plan many trips around what I will eat and where I will eat it. ("What can I eat today?" may or may not be my unofficial motto.) Our love of food is what led our enterprising art director Bob Lentz to  create the concept of Thursday lunch. Thursday lunch is more than just a lunch. It's more than just a weekday. It's a symbol. It's an idea. Any day of the week can carry the mantle of Thursday lunch. (It's sort of like Batman now that I think about it.) Which is why Thursday lunch is making a special guest appearance on Friday this week.  

The call of Thursday lunch is so strong that it can even bring back old friends. Case in point, today's Thursday lunch called all the way downtown and brought back Emily Harris, one of our former designers and the woman behind Katie Woo's distinctive style. Emily was nice enough to drive out to meet us at our favorite Thursday lunch haunt, The Chalet, for their much-talked-about (but rarely seen) fish tacos. Tacos that are so good they require multiple trips to enjoy. (Personally, I've been twice this week, and that's the low end of the spectrum.) As one of my last Thursday lunch's before relocating to Chicago next week, this was definitely a way to go out on top.

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