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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Words of Wisdom Wednesday: Don't worry, be happy

We have a weekly poll on capstonekids.com where kids can tell us how they feel about certain things. Last week, our poll question was “What do you worry most about?”

The top 3 answers:
1. Grades – 32%
2. Weight – 22%
3. Being Bullied – 21%

In a follow-up question, we asked kids if they have ever been teased for being overweight. 43% of kids responded yes, they have been teased for being overweight.

It’s tough growing up and oftentimes kids are dealing with more than we are aware of. I know there are a lot of books out there dealing with weight issues. Is there a need for additional fiction books on this subject?


Carla Mooney said...

Yes - and don't forget the boys! I have an 8 yr old who complains that certain pants "make him look too fat!"

Beth Brezenoff, Assistant Editorial Director said...

Carla, that's such a good point. While it does seem like girls bear the brunt of the body image problems, boys certainly have them too, and we can't forget them.