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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Photo shoot!

This morning, Kay (art director), Emily (graphic designer), Ali (associate editor), and I traveled deep into the Warehouse District of Minneapolis for a photo shoot. The photos in question were for our Monica books (which feature Monica Murray, the best friend of Claudia Cristina Cortez).

Our model, Devyn, was fantastic. She's thirteen, just like Monica, and fit the part perfectly. She wasn't afraid to do silly stuff like toss pom-poms in the air or pretend to punch the camera, and she has a gorgeous smile.

All told, there were about 600 photos taken by the amazing people at Delaney Photography. We narrowed that down to a hundred that we liked. (Devyn is amazingly photogenic--it was hard to choose!) Four of the photos will end up on book covers and be on shelves in August.

Here's Devyn posing for one shot.

And here's one of the shots we loved.

Thanks, Devyn and Delaney—now Monica has a face!

1 comment:

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Great pics! Wow 600 to get 100...