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Friday, April 15, 2011

Jackie Robinson Day

Did you know that today is Jackie Robinson day? A whole day devoted to one of baseball's legends who revolutionized the game in so many ways! I am a big baseball fan myself, although I tend to be a home town team girl, so in my case the Minnesota Twins. Baseball is one of the few sports that I actually understand and enjoy. I still have a lot to learn about the sport, so I am glad I can walk down the hall to our library to educate myself a bit more on this topic.

If you would like to learn more about this baseball great, we have a plethora of books in our collection, (both fiction and non-fiction) just about Jackie Robinson. Go to our website and search by his name to see what pops up, even better try searching for "baseball" in general and you will get 12 pages of results! We have such an extensive collection, go check it out and start reading!

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