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Monday, May 9, 2011

Things I'm thankful for, Monday edition

Happy Monday! Though it's bleak and miserable outside, there are many things I'm thankful for today:

* All of my Fall 2011 books are out the door and to the printer. Proofs will follow soon, but the WORK part is done! Hurray!

* I had a lovely Mother's Day and got to sleep in until EIGHT yesterday--what luxury!

* BEA is only two weeks away! We have a ton of exciting events planned, like author signings and giveaways, so if you'll be at the Javits, come and find us.

* It seems like summer truly will come someday, after a terribly long winter (seriously, like something out of Laura Ingalls Wilder). The forecast for tomorrow is a steamy 80 degrees! Our group has a long-standing tradition of going out for lunch en masse on Thursdays, and lately we've been relegated to sitting inside at our favorite local eateries. But perhaps, perhaps, this is the week when we'll see some sun for Thursday Lunch!

What are you thankful for today?
Beth - managing editor

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