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Friday, June 3, 2011

World Environment Day: Reflections from an Awakened Homeowner

Sunday is World Environment Day (WED), the most widely celebrated day for positive environmental action. We are all well aware of the climate crisis facing our environment, yet we often ignore our most vulnerable piece of real estate—planet earth. So in the great cosmic arena of time and place, let us settle today to pause and reflect on our small, blue planet earth—the only home we’ve ever known.

Together we can use our shared knowledge to mitigate the environmental devastation caused by human actions and to cultivate a better world for our children. We do this everyday, as parents, as teachers, and as friends and neighbors of a larger global community. The rapid exchange of knowledge through books and other media, continues to flourish. Let us use this great and uniquely human endeavor to awaken the human spirit and to share the know-how in the building of a better home. Because here on earth, we are all homeowners.

"We are all connected. To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically." - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Russell Griesmer, Designer

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