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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy National Grammar Day!!!

It’s that time of year again. Time for my favorite holiday: National Grammar Day. You might find it hard to believe that there are people who actually enjoy and celebrate this holiday, but there are. They are editors, and I am not embarrassed to be one of them. Case in point, this is an actual email exchange (which I still have saved) that took place last year on National Grammar Day between my managing editor Beth and myself:

Beth: It’s National Grammar Day! Anyone have a nerdy grammar thing to add — a favorite punctuation mark, etc. (Haha! Don’t you guys have one too??) Let me know.

Me: Probably commas in compound sentences. Which is super nerdy. Or hyphens between compound adjectives. On another note, things that are incorrectly hyphenated are my biggest pet peeve. Aka, “The 40 Year-Old Virgin.” Which leads me to a question I’ve been meaning to ask you for days: Should “Hot Tub Time Machine” be hyphenated? I feel like it’s extra nerdy of me to have been pondering that for days.

Beth: We are SOUL MATES. I think Hot-Tub Time Machine . . . right???


Now that I’ve shared some embarrassing grammar tidbits with you, what are your favorite grammar rules? (On that note, I hereby give you permission to correct someone’s incorrect grammar today . . . after all, it IS National Grammar Day!)


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